Greg Abbott is a joke! Maybe one day the Texas media will learn to ask him tough questions. [View all]
This week, Governor No threatened to withhold pay from state legislators if they didn't pass the horrible restrictive voting bill to address a problem that does not even exist--voter fraud.
This alleged Governor seems to have as his goal that no minority citizen in the entire state should be allowed to vote. I would like to see someone in the Texas media ask him two questions. (1)Can you cite specific documented examples of voter fraud incidents that have occurred in the state of Texas over the last 20 years? (2) What actions do you propose to increase voter participation in Texas among blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans and Native Americans?
Republicans haven't lost a statewide race in over 20 years and certainly the campaign methods Democrats have used deserve scrutiny and change. Abbott's threats this week and his mediocre at best, response to the coronavirus pandemic shouldn't help him, but sadly he will still likely be reelected Governor in 2022.
I read that some believe this horrible excuse for a Governor should be a 2024 Presidential candidate. That is ridiculous. He shouldn't get to first base. The Bush family had a long national history and much broader appeal to independent voters than Abbott would have in his wildest dreams.