...things have to be very bad indeed for a Cabinet Office enquiry to find fault in a minister [View all]
2 thoughts of the day. Bullying at work is never justified: it can cause huge misery for those affected and their families. In my experience, things have to be very bad indeed for a Cabinet Office enquiry to find fault in a minister -the system is rigged to conclude the contrary.
Bullying inquiry 'found evidence Priti Patel broke ministerial code'
Boris Johnson, the sole arbiter of the rules, is expected to release a decision on the inquiry within weeks but it is not likely to demand the home secretarys resignation.
Sources familiar with the inquiry said it had found evidence that civil servants were treated poorly by Patel, as well as compelling evidence of bullying.
Pressure on the prime minister to sack Patel is growing as a result of claims of bullying and harassment from civil servants in three separate government departments.
In any other era than this any Secretary of State would be made to fall on their swords for this. But here we are in the post truth era and nothing will happen. Nothing. And she will feel empowered to keep bullying, cause none of them are ever held accountable and they really do believe that the rules do not apply to them. Queue the tory toadies flooding the airwaves today after being bullied into defending her bullying...