Tony Abbott has not changed, not even the Speedo pose looks different [View all]
Ah, my American friends, you think Trump is a nincompoop who's well past his use-by date? Well, the Liberal Party in Australia has a lot like him, and one of the most boorish is the Member for Warringah, Tony Abbott. Yes, the one who was once, God help us, Prime Minister of Australia. And wants to be again.
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"In his historical trajectory of three-word-slogan politics that included Stop the Boats, Axe the Tax and Ditch the Witch I didnt see 'Improve the Toilets' coming, but Warringah is suddenly a strange new country for us all. An independent female candidate female! imagine! is a serious threat to a seat once so safe its had but two Liberal MPs in the last 50 years. And her danger is that not only does she think marriage equality is no problem, climate change is a massive one and refugees, my lordy, may indeed be human
but the seat of Warringah now does, too. Warringah registered a 75% vote in favour of marriage equality even as its representative campaigned against it.
"Tony has clearly been told that all politics is local and, with a verve only those with the most profound lack of self-awareness can ever muster, there he is, online in the weekend papers, complaining about traffic jams and demanding he be returned to Canberra.
"Seeing it is like unearthing old photos of a good friends unpleasant ex-boyfriend the one who was loud and told boorish, sexist jokes, who provoked a chorus of Jesus, what does she see in him? whenever they departed the room.
"You smile at those photos, knowing what the grinning fool whos in them cant your friend is about to dump him and move on. But stare a little longer and nausea builds for travelling backwards. You remember the time he ate that onion. The time he got the name of Canada wrong. Prince Philips knighthood. The nutty business about shirtfronting the Russians."
I can hardly wait for the election (sometime in May - as late as Morrison can make, I suspect) to cast my vote against Abbott and know that, this time, we might actually have a chance to rid ourselves of this parasite once and for all.