Montgomery County approves manual recount for November general election [View all]
Following a number of public hearings and special meetings surrounding the security of the Nov. 5 general election, Montgomery County commissioners authorized a partial manual recount of several election precincts following Election Day.
Commissioners voted on Oct. 8 to allow for a manual recount of votes from a randomly selected number of precincts once voting and an initial count is complete. The Texas secretary of state does require manual hand-counts of a single race across several voting precincts; however, a number of citizens requested this be expanded to include a manual hand-count of at least three voting precincts for all races on the ballot.
"I do agree with the concept; I don't have any problem with it," said Montgomery County Elections Administrator Suzie Harvey. "Our staff is prepared to do it in conjunction with volunteers."
On Sept. 27, Montgomery County Judge Mark Keough and Precinct 2 Commissioner Charlie Riley held a public workshop session regarding election integrity to allow citizens to openly discuss any concerns regarding the county's election systems ahead of the Nov. 5 general election. The meeting lasted just over three hours as numerous residents requested a number of additional measures to "protect election systems," such as random manual counts of votes, changing election systems and ensuring voting machines are not connected to the internet.