A Principal Is Accused of Being a Communist, Rattling a Brooklyn School. [View all]
'It was early March when a representative from the New York City Department of Educations Office of Special Investigations sat down with Jill Bloomberg, the longtime principal of Park Slope Collegiate in Brooklyn, a combined middle and high school, to inform her that she was under investigation.
The representative told Ms. Bloomberg that she could not tell her the nature of any allegations, nor who had made them, but said that she would need to interview Ms. Bloombergs staff.
Then one of her assistant principals, who had met with an investigator, revealed to her exactly what the allegation was, one that seemed a throwback to another era: Communist organizing.
I think I just said, Youve got to be kidding me. This is something O.S.I. investigates? Ms. Bloomberg said, using an abbreviation for the Office of Special Investigations. I mean, what decade are we living in?'>>>