Jill Stein is the Only Presidential Candidate in New Hampshire To Meet With Occupy Protesters [View all]
Jill Stein is the Only Presidential Candidate in New Hampshire To Meet With Occupy Protesters
Last night, the Mitt Romney presidential campaign refused entry to people for nothing more than wearing 99 Percent activist buttons as if theres something wrong with being anything but a member of the 1 percent most wealthy of Americans. Although they have spent a huge amount of time in New Hampshire in the days leading up to tomorrows New Hampshire presidential primary election, Republican presidential candidates refuse to meet with members of Occupy New Hampshire.
Barack Obama also refuses to meet with members of the Occupation Movement. Obama wont even apologize for his administrations role in helping to coordinate police crackdown against occupy protests across the United States.
There is one other presidential candidate, however, who is meeting with members of Occupy New Hampshire today. Her name is Dr. Jill Stein.