Fundaloons on your schoolboard? Watch out for "outcome based education" [View all]
We have an absolute nutjob fundaloon on our schoolboard (she ran unopposed of course) and she is pushing Outcome Based Education. You have to read the link, but it is long, so here is the summary:
The Emperor Julian (you remember him, right?) attempted to undo the Christian State enacted by Constantine (what - oh just brush up on your Roman History) and that exactly parallels Liberal education versus Conservative Education. See?
The parallels between Julian's actions and modern socialized education are startling. The teaching of pagan practices such as perverted-sexuality and aborticide are protected in socialized schools under a cloak of "toleration." Socialized schools require teachers to be certified by the state, effectively closing the schools to Christians who cannot "burn incense" to the methods, principles, values and goals required for certification. Christians are now referred to disparagingly as "right-wing fundamentalist fanatics." They have been subject to a humiliating administrative persecution for many years though never directly attacked.
I kid you not.
Watch out. Be aware. Get Involved.