First off, Tim Walz needs to win the Primary on the 14th first. Which I am confident he will. He polls the best against Tim Pawlenty.
Second, Tim is a superb debater. He does not suffer fools, nor is he arrogant. I have seen him in numerous debates, crucifying opponents with the facts when they attack or mislabel him. He comes out smelling like a rose.
Third, Tim has remained humble throughout his time in Congress, though there have been votes I have debated him on and he acknowledged fault on his part. He has remained a close friend regardless. He listens to me.
Fourth, Tim Pawlenty has no idea who he is up against if it does come down to him and Tim Walz. Walz is an expert strategist, having won 2 State Football Championships with Mankato West. He knows how to go on offense with the greatest of ease that causes an opponent to play defense with little if any backup.
Fifth. With the FACTS on his side, Tim Walz desecrates an opponent without personal attacks. It is like poetry in motion. I hope to get to some of the debates before I leave for Australia in early October.