Crookston officer who killed man in homeless shelter ID'd as same officer who killed man in May [View all]
CROOKSTON, Minn. The same officer who shot and killed a man here in May also killed another man in last week's shooting at a homeless shelter.
Nick Gunner Fladland, 31, was identified by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) as the officer who used deadly force June 30. A forensic pathologist identified the man killed as Christopher Ryan Junkin, 44, of California, who died of multiple gunshot wounds at the Care and Share shelter.
Fladland, who has five years of law enforcement experience, is on critical leave. He was also on critical leave following the May 16 shooting when the BCA said he killed Andrew Scott Dale, 35, of Crookston, while responding to reports of him wielding a hatchet.
It's unclear how long such leave lasts but the shootings were 45 days apart.