Rauner on Dems: They will sock the middle class with a tax hike that Madigan and his puppets want a [View all]
Rauner on Dems: They will sock the middle class with a tax hike that Madigan and his puppets want and it will destroy Illinois
Gov. Rauner was asked today what his core message will be to Republican primary voters
I will win the general election. I will win the general election. And if we dont win the general election, nothing else matters. If we go back to being a one-party state thats controlled by one person, we dont have a future. We dont have a future.
You know what will happen? We will get a massive income tax hike. The candidates controlled by Madigan, all of them have said, The answer to our problems is a massive income tax hike. And they say Lets tax the rich. Lets tax the rich. Well, first of all, you watch business owners flood out of this state when that happens, and our unemployment rates gonna go through the roof.
But also, theres no such thing as a just tax the rich plan. No such thing. Doesnt happen. What happens is the middle class gets socked whenever you do an income tax hike. And if you want proof of that, and I need you guys to focus on the truth on this, look at the states that have done a graduated income tax. Ask New Jersey how its gone. New Jersey put in a big graduated income tax to try to tax the rich. You know what? Their middle class, you make $40,000. $40,000 is not a high income. Its a middle class income. You make $40,000 in New Jersey, you pay six and a half percent. OK?
In New York, graduated income tax. They say Lets tax the rich. In New York, you have a middle class income, you make $40,000, you pay seven and a half percent.
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