voters to the polls. It seems to me that each person who was given a card should have been listed in the report to the Illinois State Board of Elections. Each card represents an expenditure. The ISBE should have caught that.
I used to file the reports for our county Democratic party. When we had a fundraiser and sold raffle tickets, we had to report each winner, even if they won only $50.00. We had to report property transfers, too. If computers or other equipment was donated or transferred, it had to be reported, and its value stated in the report.
Larry Noble is right. But his FEC position has nothing to do with it. The FEC has even stricter rules than the ISBE.
Unless things have changed very drastically in the last few years, Rauner's people need to submit an amended report, or face, at the very least, some stiff fines.
I'm not a lawyer, but I sweated out a lot of reports to the ISBE. I called them any time I was not sure about what to declare. They were helpful. I was honest.
Maybe we should just give the Ruiner enough rope and he will hang himself soon enough. He will go to jail.