Good sense of humor too.
The amount of strength it took to get all those rock features in place is incredible I really love the stairway there going down to the water line and then the stick walkways anchored by water lilies in the marsh.
I've got some funny stories about that place.
My coworker was an horrid alcoholic and had developed an ulcer at the ripe age of 21 - we do out there to work one day and he's near "dying" - he can't keep up with the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club members who are visiting and so he drops out of beside the trail. Coming back my supervisor and a couple of the HCC members are discussing his plight - well we'll just get "the sick one" some noni...and he asks what's that and is told how bad it tastes and "the sick one" just has this oh no face on his look. It was pretty ripe.
There are a lot of car break-ins there so we never left anything in the State vehicles when we went there to work for Doc and survey with Martha Yent - always broken glass on the ground and what not. When my car got stolen and stripped - the thief drove it with no seats in the vehicle to Kapaa Rd and dumped it. I went out there to retrieve it and sure enough there's an old white gentleman who's always working there and he comes up to the HPD officer to report another car break-in.
It's a special place