Michelle Nunn goes on the attack [View all]
Georgia Democrat Michelle Nunn's campaign is going on the attack for the first time in her Senate campaign, blasting businessman David Perdue's (R) corporate record.
"Michelle Nunn, CEO of the world's largest volunteer organization. But David Perdue says he's more qualified because he's been working in the 'real world.' Oh, really?" the ad's narrator says. "In Texas, Perdue's company moved production to Mexico. He was CEO of another company that went bankrupt, thousands lost jobs, but Perdue made millions. And in Georgia, Perdue's company closed plants and moved jobs to China. David Perdue: His world doesn't include you."
Nunn's campaign is hoping to do to Perdue what national Democrats did to Mitt Romney in 2012, painting him as a heartless corporate predator.
Perdue's campaign fired back.
"The true Michelle Nunn is starting to show. Instead of debating the issues that matter to Georgians, she is recycling old attacks against David that have already been dismissed. We expected no less from the hand-picked candidate of Barack Obama and Harry Reid," said Perdue Campaign Manager Derrick Dickey.
Polls have found a close race, though Perdue likely has an edge in the Republican-leaning state. The National Republican Senatorial Committee is set to start advertising there on Tuesday as well, their first independent expenditure ad buy of the election cycle.
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/214915-nunns-first-georgia-attack-hits-perdue-on-business-record#ixzz3AE5x4GAR
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OK Georgia, let's open our checkbooks to Michell and Jason, and GET OUT THE VOTE !!!!