Ive lived here 10 years, having moved from Los Angeles. I love it. Everything I could want in a city is close by, but I live in a wooded area 30 minutes out of town.
I dont have the issues I hear from others about all the rabid Republicans. I often feel like I live in a different world than some of the comments I hear. I guess it depends on who youre around (or how much you give a shit). I have fairly radical Left bumper stickers on my car and nearly every day someone tells me how much they like them, or honks and waves. Not once has anyone said anything negative. Not once. When I hiked at the park every day with my Obama t-shirt in the weeks before the election I got a couple of very mild negative comments from guys that just couldnt contain themselves, but nothing threatening ("good luck to your guy", "vote early, vote often" was the worst), but positive comments were constant. Im not saying everyone agrees with my views, but they keep their mouth shut and are polite.
There are lots of great restaurants. The High Museum is great. Lots of interesting arts and cultural things. Lots of good shops. Good parks, there are parks everywhere around my house. Very diverse racially, I hear a dozen of languages a week, no less so than L.A. After living in these two cities for the last 20 something years many other parts of the country feel uncomfortably white and monocultural.
Terrible traffic. The traffic is one of the worst things, but not as bad as L.A.