After Saturday's ice, more winter storms line up for D.C. area. [View all]
The storm late Monday will probably be mostly rain, but another frozen mess is possible Thursday.
The first of a trio of winter storms coated the Washington region on Saturday with some of the iciest weather seen here since 2007. Two more storms are lined up to sweep through the region in the upcoming week, and both promise a mix of precipitation types.
The next storm pointed at the region, set to arrive late Monday, will probably be more of a rainmaker and will wash away the icy mess left behind by Saturday’s storm. The exception to this may be in the far-northwestern parts of the region, generally north and west of Leesburg and Frederick, where patchy icy weather is possible in the colder valleys late Monday afternoon into Monday night.
This is the same storm that may bring snow and ice as far south as Austin and Houston, but because it is slated to pass to our west as it moves along the zone of greatest temperature contrasts, it will draw mild air into the region. Washington sits at the eastern fringe of a sprawling and potent Arctic air mass, putting us in a stormy, but relatively mild, zone.
This next weather system will quickly exit Tuesday morning, when afternoon temperatures may rise into the 40s.
Then eyes turn to the next storm, on Thursday, which has more potential to offer frozen precipitation before a possible changeover to rain during the second half of the day.