Colorado Senate press secretary warns of "harassment" and copyright violation if you quote his Face- [View all]
Colorado Senate press secretary warns of harassment and copyright violation if you quote his Facebook page
U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona is a media whore. Fact-check journalism is largely phony.
Those quotes, which I included in recent blog posts, come from the personal Facebook page of Colorado Senate GOP spokesperson Sean Paige.
Going forward, he wrote on his Facebook page, he does not want people like me, who are not his Facebook friends, using quotes like those.
No doubt Paige does not want me to quote his polite request to stop quoting his Facebook material, but here I go anyway:
Paige: Please note that these are my private and personal thoughts, which I post on this invite-only Facebook page for friends and associatesand which arent meant to reflect the views of clients I may have in the professional realm. Im forced to add this because social media bottom-feeders, in a desperate bid for cannon fodder, relevance and clicks, have been stealing content from this page and republishing it on partisan attack blogs without my consent or permission, which I deem not just a violation of copright and an act of harassment, but a despicable effort to curtail and chill my privacy rights and rights to free speech and expression. So if you are here uninvited, with such aims in mind, please unfriend this page and stop misappropriating and misusing what I post here. Surely there must be better, more honest ways for you to get attention.) (emphasis added)
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