I got to visit for a bit with the senator and his wife. This was in Greeley, not a part of the state known to be friendly to Democrats. Udall and Hickenlooper showed up to walk in the parade, smack dab in the middle of Cory Gardner country. In fact, they had much higher visibility than Gardner. If Udall was going to "kowtow to the gun nuts and Obama haters" he would avoid this part of the state completely.
Gardner, on the other hand, has NOTHING to show for his tenure in congress, unless you count all the votes against health care and the redefining rape thing. So he's looking to slime Udall by any means. Strongly urge you to visit Colorado Pols and read their article on this:
The news coverage out of Denver has been disgusting, happily blaring Gardner's "perspective." I called the Channel 9 newsroom a couple of nights ago, right in the middle of their broadcast; the person I spoke with was seated, according to her, right behind the main camera, so she whispered her part of our conversation. When I asked why they hadn't mentioned the legislation Udall would be voting on, she seemed surprised, then said something about their coverage being fair. When I asked if they would cover Gardner's outrage if Udall were to "abandon" his senate job in order to grab a photo-op with the president, she repeated the comment about being "fair."
At such times it's a good idea to revisit the unfortunate reality of media ownership. That's the best prophylactic against the myth of liberal media bias.