SDG&E, PG&E, SCE propose billing electricity customers based on income [View all]
"The proposal is part of a new state law requiring utility companies to come up with fixed-rate plans to make billing more equitable."
"SDG&E, along with Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison, teamed up and a proposal to charge people based on their income."
"Currently, you not only pay for how much electricity your household uses, but other things such as how that electricity is delivered.
Both prices vary month to month.
SDG&E's plan is to offer residential customers a fixed delivery rate every billing cycle, no matter how much electricity is used.
What could that look like?
Under the current billing system, at 47 cents per kilowatt hour, the average customer pays $188 per month.
Under the fixed rate proposal, the customer would pay $181.
Here's a breakdown of where you'd fall based on your income.
Households earning less than $28,000 a year would pay a fixed delivery rate of $24 per month.
Households earning under $69,000, that fixed price goes up to $34.
Households earning between $69,000 and $180,000, that price goes up to $73.
Households earning over $180,000 dollars will pay $128.
Everyone's average kilowatt hour rate drops from 47 cents to 27 cents."