Hi people. What is Hot Springs, Arkansas like please? [View all]
I might be moving there one day and I admit some trepidation at the thought of moving into a community that is very red. Just never lived in a community like that.
Long story short my family has some land that was my great grandmother’s that my Auntie has been paying taxes on since the 80s. None of the other great grands care to consider moving to Arkansas. We all live in Mass, California and Hawaii.
It is undeveloped land with trees on a hill surrounded by cousins.
I’m sure it doesn’t have water or electricity. I would definitely want water service. Electricity we can make ourselves. ☀️
I was thinking of taking over the tax payments to have a place on the continent to make home base if (when, sorry) climate change clobbers Hawaii. My beautiful home, as we say, ke one hanau, the land of my birth.
I know not a soul in Arkansas. Our distant cousins are very “conservative” and very Religious a capital R.
My Great Grandmother was beautiful and funny. I look more like her than anyone else but she was tall and I am...not.
Thought I might see what it’s like there this summer but covid has moved that off the table entirely till there is treatment and a vaccine.
Aloha, and thanks
Ps anyone care to refer me to a good (fair, competent) builder there for a modest cottage? Mahalo 🤙🏼