Position Paper - Taxation [View all]
I am running for Arizona House in LD4 to defeat Joel John and join Charlene Fernandez. This is my position paper on tax law. I have spoken to ten Enrolled Agent Tax Accountants (licensed by the IRS) and three CPAs. All say the numbers are solid.
I would like Arizonan's input on this.
Arizona needs jobs. The State should do everything possible to attract these much-needed jobs. Businesses will re-locate to places that have a low business tax rate and an educated workforce that can do the jobs. I call for the repeal of all business taxes in the State of Arizona, including the transaction privilege tax. This would make Arizonas business tax climate the most attractive in the country. Businesses will relocate to Arizona, bringing the jobs with them. People go where jobs are.
For individuals, I will work to repeal the slew of nuisance taxes imposed on them in Arizona. Arizona should not levy on its residents any tax that isnt deductible on a federal income tax return. The effect of this would be to increase the federal itemized deductions that can be claimed by Arizonans by an estimated $1B a year, increase the amount of federal income tax refunds given to Arizonans each year by the IRS by at least $100M at the lowest federal tax rate.
In order to balance off the loss of revenue due to the revocation of business taxes, the state would surcharge the individual rate by 15%, making the top Arizona income tax rate 3.5%. This would put Arizona into a competitive advantage with other states.