Survey: Nearly half of Americans rate healthcare as poor or failing [View all]
Oct. 6 (UPI) -- Nearly half of Americans give the healthcare system an extremely poor or failing grade in the 2022 West Health-Gallup Healthcare in America Report released Thursday.
A representative sample of 5,500 Americans was polled and asked to grade the healthcare system A for "excellent," B for "good," C for "satisfactory," D for "poor" and F for "fail." The polling data revealed that a plurality of Americans, about 114 million when extrapolated from the sample group, rated the overall healthcare system a D or an F.
The respondents were asked to give individual grades for accessibility, affordability, equity and quality of care.
There were demographic differences between responses, with people of color generally rating the equity of healthcare lower than White Americans. Some 66% of Black Americans gave the healthcare system a F or a D for equity, while 53% of White respondents gave it an F or a D.