I wrote a parody of California uber Alles. [View all]
Now What the Fuck Are We Supposed to Do?
a parody of California Über Alles (Jello Biafra, John Greenway, 1979), and We Have a Bigger Problem Now, (presumably also written by Biafra and Greenway), both performed by the Dead Kennedys.
I am con artist Donald Trump,
Again, I fooled you brain-washed chumps.
I made you make me president!
Democracy is so passé.
Bow down to me and pray!
Your kids pledge to me in school,
Learn unprompted compliance, too.
And learn unprompted compliance, too.
Maralago uber alles, Mara-lago u-ber alles
Uber alles Maralago, Uber Alles Mar-a-lago
Christo-fascists control you,
Yet, you think its natural.
Sedition for the master race!
Youd better show a happy face.
You really thought, cant happen here.
Your billionaire bosses are near.
Slavery wont come back, you say.
Youll be working twelve-hour days
Youll be working twelve-hour days!
Were long past 2024.
Kicking down your front door.
Its the Proud Boys secret police.
They have come for your woke-ass niece!
Go quietly to a Fedral camp.
Well deport you immigrant tramps!
Its all based on constant lies.
We feed you shit and spit in your eye.
Die on VX poison gas!
Maybe in Panama or maybe Iran!
Sacrificed to President Trump.
Sacrificed to President Trump.
And the friends of President Trump!
2025, Andy Sual
Feel free to copy, record, or perform with attribution.
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