Your "over-generalization" is not unwelcome. This forum is an appropriate venue for discussing those kinds of ideas. However, almost any movie would fit into your definition of what I called a "villain". By that definition, for example, I wanted to mention one of my absolute favorite movies of all time, The Heiress. It was made in my birth year, 1949, and it got a Best Picture nomination. It should have won that honor; I think it is WAY better than the movie that actually won that year. Olivia de Havilland won Best Actress, and I think it is the best movie she was ever in. The "villain" in that movie is Montgomery Clift's character Morris Townsend, and he is the only character in that movie who could be called a "villain", and that is why I did not mention that movie. But by your parameters he is perhaps not truly a "villain", just an irresponsible wastrel who would not have been good as a husband for the title character. But there are movies that have NO characters who could stand as identifiable "villains" and those are the movies I intended to reference when I started this thread. I appreciate your input.