With Kari Lake as Voice of America head, Trump now has his MAGA propaganda arm [View all]
Objective reality had a good run here in America, but its largely out the window now. President-elect Donald Trump has picked serial liar and sycophant-on-steroids Kari Lake to be the next director of Voice of America, the nations largest and oldest international broadcaster.
Lake is best known for losing the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial race more times than anyone thought possible. She lost, claimed without evidence the election was rigged and then appealed her loss multiple times at every level of state court, losing each time. Its possible shes still out there losing that election, or she may be finding a way to continue losing the 2024 U.S. Senate race she recently lost but did not concede.
This all begs the question: How will she find the time and the lies necessary to turn VOA into the propaganda arm of the Trump administration?
Kari Lake heading VOA? She's the literal opposite of accurate and unbiased.
Per its federal charter, VOA news will be accurate, objective, and comprehensive.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAA!! Might as well toss that in the nearest Trump-brand toilet. The next time Lake is accurate or objective will be the first, and putting her in charge of this American institution is like putting
well, its like putting Kari Lake in charge of VOA. Theres no hypothetical more ridiculous-sounding than that.