Electing an American Fuhrer as Wall Street Cheers and Soars [View all]
November 12, 2024
By Ralph Nader
On September 17, 1787, the last day after the drafting of our Constitution in Philadelphia, Ben Franklin was leaving the building when a prominent resident, Elizabeth Willing Powell, asked him "Well Doctor, what have we got -- a republic or a monarchy?"
Franklin replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."
On November 5, 2024, our fragile Republic became a Monarchy-elect.
A majority of voters elected a Dictator.
This is no exaggeration.
Look at just some of the damage Trump has done and the appalling things he has said.
In July, 2019, he declared "With Article II, I can do whatever I want as president."
And he did, throughout his four years, he violated all kinds of federal laws and provisions of the Constitution, mostly openly, with impunity.
He obstructed justice from the White House as a way of life.
He defied over 125 Congressional subpoenas.
He is a very successful fugitive from justice with lawyers skilled at endlessly delaying judges and courts where federal and state prosecutors have obtained indictments.
His convictions and adverse civil verdicts are like water on a duck's back.
He openly admires foreign dictators and meets with them proudly, musing about wanting to be like them.
Moreover, he is gathering around him a large number of vengeful, dictatorial Trumpsters readying to take over the federal departments and agencies.
The Heritage Foundation's 'Project 2025, 900-page report' prepared a detailed blueprint for the corporate state that is the definition of fascism, American style.
Together with Trump, they have their "enemies list" both individually and collectively.