I'm the Governor of Kentucky. Here's How Democrats Can Win Again. [View all]
By Andy Beshear
Mr. Beshear, a Democrat, is the governor of Kentucky.
With the November elections over, the political analysis and finger-pointing have begun on cable news and within the national Democratic Party. While Im deeply disappointed with the national result, I refuse to play the blame game. . .
What I offer instead is a way forward. I won re-election 12 months ago by five points in a state that Donald Trump just carried by 30 points. And I did so at a time when inflation and illegal border crossings were higher than they are now. . .
When most Americans wake up in the morning, they are not thinking about politics. Americans wake up thinking about their jobs and whether they make enough money to support their families. . .
So the way forward is not complicated, but it takes work and discipline. The focus of the Democratic Party must return to creating better jobs, more affordable and accessible health care, safer roads and bridges, the best education for our children and communities where people arent just safer but also feel safer.
We do this through policy and by taking direct action that gets results. . .
The Democratic Party must show the American people that it cares about creating a better life for each and every American and re-earn the publics trust about its focus and its direction.
None of this means we abandon important values and principles. . .
Earning trust and showing people you care about them also requires that we talk to people like normal human beings. And that we are not afraid to share our why. ..
So while others are talking about political strategy and messaging, the way forward is really about focus and about action. The next several years are the Democratic Partys chance to show the American people that we will not just run on but also govern by addressing those core issues that can and will improve the lives of our people. . .
((Sounds like a good formula. ALSO sounds like what V.P. Harris was saying.))