Krugman: Trumpnomics an inflation disaster waiting to happen [View all]
By Paul Krugman / The New York Times
So, will we have a ticker-tape parade to celebrate V-I victory over inflation Day? I guess not, but we appear to have pulled it off. The Federal Reserves preferred measure of consumer prices rose only 2.2 percenty over the past year, within a whisker of the Feds 2 percent inflation target. And we got there without the recession that quite a few economists predicted; in fact, the U.S. economy grew 6 percent over the past two years, even as inflation plunged.
But this victory could be squandered. And it very likely will be if Donald Trump wins the presidential election.
True, we dont know exactly what Trump would do in office. When hes pressed about policy issues, even very straightforward ones, he often zones out in a way that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden would never get away with. For example, on Friday, when an attendee at one of his campaign events asked what he would do to keep auto industry jobs in Michigan, Trump who on Saturday referred to Biden and Harris as mentally impaired began his response thus:
So, pretty much as weve been saying and what I want to do is I want to be able to look, your business, years ago, in this area, I was honored as the man of the year. It was maybe 20 years ago. Oh, and the fake news heard about it, they said it never happened.