Today's Tiedrich rant: self-styled "black Nazi" Mark Robinson seems nice [View all]
there are two things you need to know about Mark Robinson, the GOP candidate for Governor of North Carolina.
first, he fucking sucks. and second, MAGA Republicans love the shit out of him.
heres why Mark fucking sucks: if you trained some evil AI exclusively on the rancid fever-swamp speeches from Donny Convicts hate-rallies, and then asked it to create the MAGA candidate from hell, Mark Robinson is exactly what it would spit out.
hes ignorant and hateful and proud of it. here are just a few of the lovely views Marky Rob has espoused:
that transgender women should be arrested for using womens bathrooms. if they need to relieve themselves, they should find a corner outside somewhere, to use his exact words.
that political assassinations are necessary. again, to use his own words, some folks need killing.
that stories about the Holocaust once again, to use his own words are hogwash.
that Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby got railroaded by the woke mob.
that Michelle Obama is a man.
that women should not have the right to vote.
- more (much more!) at link -
Folks, some of the stuff on today's rant is hard to believe, but Tiedrich backs it all up with examples and ... you know ...
facts. I feel like I need a shower or something. Ewww! It's like crawling in a sewer just reading this stuff.
Please read the rest ... if you dare ... on
"Everyone is entitled to my own opinion."