A Blueprint for the GOP
When the 2008 election was called for Obama, I remember thinking: maybe this will teach my party some very important lessons. You cant nominate people, like Sarah Palin, who scare away swing voters. You cant actively alienate every growing bloc of the American electorateBlacks, Latinos, the youthand you cant depend solely on the single shrinking bloc of the electorateWhites. And yet, four years later, I am again forced to reflect on a party that nominated the worst kind of people, like Richard Mourdock, and tried to win an election by appealing only to White people. The 2008 election, it seems, taught Republicans precious little.
At no time was this more obvious than last Tuesday. During the weeks before the election, conservatives I spoke to were confidenteven hubristicthat Mitt Romney would win. But even before Tuesday, I thought that confidence was misplaced. The New York Timess resident prognosticator, Nate Silver, had the odds of an Obama victory somewhere between 85 and 90 percent. Every non-partisan poll had the president winning the states he needed to secure a comfortable victory. Yet conservatives remained confident. The worst of the ideological conservatives criticized Nate Silver as a political plant of the liberal media. Even the best, from George Will to Michael Barone had constructed complex arguments for why the public polling was undercounting Romneys strength. Whether you were an average Joe who listened to Rush on the way home from work, or an Ivy League reader of the National Review, if you were a conservative, you were likely to believe that Romney would win.
And then reality intervened. Nate Silver, that political hack from the Times, correctly predicted that Obama would win 332 electoral votes. Dick Morris, a conservative pundit on Fox News, was left apologizing for the Romney landslide that didnt materialize. Conservatives lost, they lost big, and now it falls to the partys leaders to explain why.
Many movement conservatives are already trying to deny the undeniable. Dave Wiegel, in an awful blog post on National Review, blamed the election results on an electorate that has become dependent on government and the Democratic politicians who make such dependency possible. The problem with this logic is that the people who depend most on governmentretireesare the Republican Partys baseto the degree that the party even has a base. Wiegel similarly blamed public sector union beneficiaries, despite the fact that federal government workers in the DC suburbs broke decisively for Romney. Others blamed the partys frontrunner and the establishment wing of the party that nominated himessentially arguing that Romney was insufficiently ideological. The problem is that Romney did better than virtually every Republican Senate candidate in every competitive state. One glaring exception was Wisconsin senate candidate Tommy Thompsonan establishment Republican if there ever was onewho lost by a slightly narrower margin than Mitt Romney. Others pretend that the Democratic win wasnt that impressive. After all, we are in the same place we were before the 2008 election: a split Congress with a Democratic president. But this ignores the inherent weakness of an incumbent party in a tough economic climate, and the fact that Democrats were able to overcome all of these problems to gain seats in both houses of Congress and re-elect the president. In short, the Republicans lost big, and they cant blame Mitt Romney or the American electorate for their problems.