Words from Seth Andrews re 2nd assassination attempt [View all]
Statement from Kamala Harris re this second "assassination attempt" on Trump:
I have been briefed on reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his property in Florida, and I am glad he is safe. Violence has no place in America.
From Seth Andrews (on Facebook):
This is the correct response.
I'm a proud liberal, but if you think we lefties can't be guilty of double standards, reductive thinking, or charged rationalizations, watch those who cheer the potential assassination of a political rival.
Donald Trump is - to my mind - a man without any redeeming qualities. I simply cannot find a single piece of laudable humanity. Yet cheerleading his execution via AR-15 is the absolute worst "solution" to this serious problem.
It's here that the rationalizations begin....riffs on "They started it." So those condeming January 6th, threats against scientists and journalists, and dog-whistles about bloodbaths glibly switch the script when they approve of the target. ("Oh, man. If the bullet had only been a few inches closer."
This isn't even a case of "They're going low, so we should go low." This is the gleeful support of disturbed men wielding lethal weapons in a nation on the razor's edge of Civil War. It's us becoming them. It's a rejection of law and ethics and democracy and sanity when it suits us. It's hypocrisy of the highest order.
Many seem not to have considered the implications of normalizing and even endorsing political assassinations, a rabbit hole of "response violence" where both/all sides claim justification for bloodshed: "They made us do it."
For all our bellowing about the need for law and order, for adults in the room, for a restoration of humanity, it's important that we hold to those convictions even as we oppose genuinely despicable people. Our attitude and responses should say more about us than they do about anyone else.
On the day when DJT finally leaves this world, I'll definitely (ala Mark Twain) read that obituary with satisfaction, but I'll do so with my own humanity intact, and with the support of a lawful, moral, just society where we defeat the worst people without surrendering the best within ourselves.