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In reply to the discussion: Trump Administration to offer all 2 million federal employees a buyout to resign [View all]Baron2024
(675 posts)But as Tim Walz said on Rachel Maddow tonight, what do we do if Trump just ignores the courts orders? I am all for fighting him in the courts, but that alone will maybe slow Trump down and not stop him. I think a federal tax strike and an attempt to get federal tax money back from the federal government and to the states is not impossible. Much federal funding is already sent back to states in exactly that manner. It is a longstanding federal funding mechanism. You may for whatever reason view that idea as silly or sophmoric, but I do not.
And if we demand federal money back to the states but don't get it, we can use that as a weapon in the media war to mobilize more opposition to Trump and his MAGA Regime. When Trump voters don't get their SNAP benefits, their Medicaid, and any other supports, we will be chipping away at Trump's popularity. When their grandmothers are not being fed in their nursing homes and are unable to get their medicine, you can be damned sure that a lot of these Trump voters will turn against him.
Furthermore, if you think that court orders alone are going to stop this Fascist Regime from rolling over the whole country, I think that you are very mistaken. The courts have no enforcement power. That is entirely in the Executive's control, and Trump MAGA has taken over the Federal government. If we are locked out of the Federal Government one of the only alternatives will be to assert States Rights. That and a large scale uprising of the mass of the American people.