Will you cosponsor the single payer bills HR 676/1200 or S 915? (We are mainly looking to defend Medicare, but this would be a nice extra)
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
Since 1965, Medicare has given Americas seniors access to health care which only the wealthier senior demographic could pay for before it was implemented. It covers all needed care, and is frugally administered with only 3% administrative expenses.
In 2011, Republicans passed a Paul Ryan budget with a plan to convert Medicare to a voucher program. Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
_______ No
_______ Undecided
Democratic Senator Wyden of Oregon has proposed a gradual voucherization of Medicare, which all Republican candidates have endorsed. Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
In 2012, Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, along with other Republican representatives, proposed to eliminate Medicare entirely in 2014. Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
In 2012, Republicans passed a Paul Ryan budget with a proposal to eliminate all Medicaid funding for nursing home patients Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
It has been proposed by several legislators that Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages be raised to 69 or 70 years. Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
It has been proposed by several legislators that Social Security cost of living increases be calculated with a chained Consumer Price index. (This is like compound interest in reverseinstead of getting richer over time you get poorer, with significant loss of lifetime total Social Security income for the oldest retirees.) Will you pledge that you will never support any such proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided
It has been proposed that the Social Security salary cap of ~$106K (over which amount no further FICA tax is collected) be raised or scrapped to extend solvency and improve benefits for lower income people. Will you pledge to support this proposal?
______ Yes
______ No
_______ Undecided