Robert Reich: Trump's neofascism is here now. Here are 10 things you can do to resist [View all]
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And pay attention to what he says at the end, too:
10. Keep the faith. Do not give up on America
Remember, Trump won the popular vote by only one and a half points. By any historical measure, this was a squeaker. In the House, the Republicans five-seat lead is the smallest since the Great Depression. In the Senate, Republicans lost half of 2024s competitive Senate races, including in four states Trump won.
America has deep problems, to be sure. Which is why we cant give up on it or give up the fights for social justice, equal political rights, equal opportunity and the rule of law. The forces of Trumpian repression and neofascism would like nothing better than for us to give up. Then theyd win it all. But we cannot allow them to.
We will never give up.
What is giving me hope now
Finding room in life for joy, fun and laughter. We cannot let Trump and his darkness take over. Just as its important not to give up the fight, its critically important to take care of ourselves. If we obsess about Trump and fall down the rabbit hole of outrage, worry and anxiety, we wont be able to keep fighting.