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In reply to the discussion: I was in a pretty bad car accident ( Edited to add Update) [View all]slightlv
(4,668 posts)Badly hurt. You were so lucky! Black ice and freezing fog took our my car a few years ago. It was weeks b4 the shock wore off. I skated across three lanes of rush hour traffic then rolled down the hill b4 stopping. Totaled the car, hit a few and got hit while the ice had me. But I had my seat belt on, which saved my life.
Although it was totally weather related accident, it was still my fault. But I didn't get penalized by the police or insurance. My rate went up a little, but it truly was inconsequential compared to the accident. I had Farmers at the time and they worked beautifully with us. Winter is just bad driving time. You'll be ok... my biggest issue was getting another car asap, since I commuted to another city to work.
Hang in there and just treat yourself gently as the shock begins to wear off. I think the first thing I did once I was back home was to go to bed. It helped me immensely. You might consider that. Your body will thank you. Healing energies your way, hon.