Social Media fans hail Green Party leader in Canada who invites CA to join as a Province... (great video at link) [View all]
Social media fans hail Green Party leader who invites California to become Canadian province
Who wants to be a state? taunts Elizabeth May after Trumps 51st state dig. Canada offers free health care, safe streets and abortion rights, she boasts
Mary Papenfuss
in San Francisco
Wednesday 08 January 2025 00:52 ES
Social media is continuing to rave about Canadas Green Party leader who mocked Donald Trumps lack of political knowledge in a recent speech and invited California - and Oregon and Washington - to join Canada as its newest provinces.
Elizabeth May flamed Trump at a recent press conference for his bullying, demeaning suggestion that the Canadian nation would make a nice 51st state.
She noted: We do not aspire to be the 51st state ... If it was a joke, it was never funny, and it ends now.
Maybe California would like to be the 11th province. How bout it, California? Oregon? Washington? Weve got geography in common, she urged.
This is what weve got for you: Free healthcare, universal, free healthcare. No more one-year-olds who suddenly fall off the Medicaid list, and their parents are on the news because theyre trying to do a GoFundMe, because theyre trying to get their daughter to a doctor, May mocked.
California citizens, Washington, Oregon: Safer streets here, we already have strict gun laws, and women have the right to an abortion under the universal healthcare system, she crowed.
Watch the whole rant at link!
She even makes a dig "go find your grandkids' history book and learn about a Parlimentarian Democracy..."