as many think he is. trump is the "monkey who can use a pen" (Grover Norquist), he is the idiot who will sign anything he deems to be cruel, that can make him money, and please Vladimir Putin. He talks about being "kind of safe" because trump is not intelligent, and that is where I agree and disagree with him, he is right about trump not being intelligent, but the real danger is those behind him who are intelligent and very cruel, very corrupt, THAT is the real danger.
We saw it during his first term stunt at the presidency when Paul Ryan pushed the tax cuts, and the monkey with the pen (sharpie) signed it without questions, and of course he could not explain it or talk to the public about it because all he knew was that he and his rich friends were going to pay less taxes and the rest would get screwed, that was enough for him to like it. When he was asked about it he went with his favourite line "taxes were terrible, they are going to be great now.", and of course, the media was pleased with the no-answer.
Then we had psychopath Stephen Miller (he is baaack!) who pushed his draconian ideas to hurt migrants, separating families, not accounting for kids who some have not found their true parents yet, some of those parents were deported and killed in their countries, but trump willingly signed it because he thought he could boast of "protecting the country" but zero idea what the consequences were.
I find that trump's worst character flaw, and he has many, is his lack of understanding that actions have consequences, he doesn't care what happens to people when he takes his sharpie and signs laws he doesn't understand.
But anyway, THE REAL DANGER WE FACE, is the SMART PEOPLE behind the curtain, the American people have already done their part by electing this buffoon, now keep your eyes on those people who are hiding but intent on destroying the USA for their personal benefits, and they don't care if they give the country away to someone like Putin, as long as money comes their way.