Related: About this forumQuestion for those that create cannabis tincture...
The leftover material, some call it marc from an alcohol tincture Ive usually put it into compost. With this last batch, which by the way is pretty potent, due to other projects happening around the house I put it aside to evaporate off the rest of the alcohol and promptly forgot about it.
My neighbor came over the other day to compare our organic grows. While talking he found my marc dried to a nice crisp and joked that we should smoke some.
It was not a wake and bake day so neither of us were buzzed. Well that was before we smoked that shite, it was some of the smoothest smoke Ive ever had and yeah we got good and buzzed.
Never thought it was possible.
Anyone else have a similar experience?

(15,012 posts)My last batch was weak sauce. I just use it for bedtime. No "morning after" either.
I'm always interested in other peoples technique...tnx
Michigan does not allow anything higher than 150 proof, cant ship it in either. So I decarb using the InstaPot. Then fill mason jars with the cannabis and alcohol. I used vodka last time and let it cook for about 9 months, Id test every once in a while ingesting a ml sublingual. Last test was .75ml and it felt as if I smoked a joint thats where I like the strength.
Ive used Everclear before but it was 150 proof and that stuff is nasty tasting. Im going to try Captain Morgans Spiced 150 rum next time.
(15,012 posts)some 195 Everclear as they sell it there. I like the idea of 151 Rum!!!
As a chef once said never miss an opportunity to add flavor..
I also make mushroom tinctures so it wont go to waste.
What proportions do you use of weed to alcohol? I wish I had a spot to grow but I'm in a
townhouse and Cultivating Marijuana is a felony in my state..
You can buy medical but it gets pricy.
28 grams decarbed cannabis flower to 16 oz. alcohol.
I make Chaga mushroom tinctures. Were surrounded by Birches of all kinds, a lot of white paper birches that make chaga hunting easy.
Also do multiple herb tinctures, Prunella Vulgaris, Meadowsweet, Bee Balm, Plantain.
This year gonna start working on evergreen trees teas and tinctures. Cedar and pine needle tea we already drink.
Nature heals!
(95,902 posts)But I don't make tinctures very often, I make salves with olive oil and beeswax, mostly. I use hemp as an enhancer in those.
I like the 151 rum idea, I just never thought of using it for some reason.
(11,342 posts)Years and years ago the guy that mentored me in the dark art used a very strong brandy or maybe it was a cognac. There are some 80 proof out there. Im no alcohol connoisseur or really even very knowledgeable of all the differences
All I know is one teeny shot glass and I was snookered for longer than I thought. Had to be about two tablespoons and it was delicious.
(9,548 posts)Of your tincture sitting on the shelf. Stir it once a day in the freezer.
For my gummies I cover decarbed weed with Everclear by about an inch - 5 days in the freezer and then 4 teaspoons into my gummy recipe. I use 1 1/2 cups of fruit juice, 4 tablespoons of grass fed gelatin, 3 of organic honey. I add a tiny bit of citric acid too. I bought marijuana leaf molds on Amazon - so they also look adorable. 😍😍😍
(21,729 posts)Green Dragon and Golden Dragon for the first time.
I want to make lollipops so I bought some food grade alcohol from Amazon, because it's easier to find than Everclear where I am.
I've one half-pint steeping in the closet for the Green Dragon, and now decarbing some herb for the Golden Dragon, QWET method.
Your tip sounds interesting and I'll try it when it's done!
(11,342 posts)I also make a THCA/CBDA oil infusion for my dog. He injured his knee which the vet said should be surgically repaired for best results, well money didnt allow for that so we went the splint method instead. He totally hated the splint and wouldnt wear it so the best we could do was pain control and physical therapy. After reading about the healing power of undecarbed or raw cannabis, I infused some into Sweet Almond Oil using an Infuzium 420 machine. No alcohol for the pup. One (little less than) a teaspoon a day.
Within 2-3 weeks Roscoe was walking without a noticeable limp.