Related: About this forumWe just saw Little Women. My hopes were very high.
I loved her books so much as a kid, I named my youngest daughter (now 41) Amy, and she grew up to be an artist too! But none of the cast of this movie matches how I see them in my head, or actors in previous movie adaptations.
If you haven't read Little Women, like my husband, your main problem will be with continuity. If you've read the book, you'll recognize all the major plot points as they check them off.
Scenery is nice. It's entertaining, and does not plod. The sad part was truly sad. I don't know why I didn't love this movie more.
captain queeg
(11,780 posts)Especially for a favorite book. Maybe youve even read it more than once. So you have characters defined in your mind. Maybe you dont realize it. For me its not like I have a firm idea of what they should look like or act. I just know the movie version of the person is wrong.
(4,937 posts)The acting was pretty good; I shouldn't judge so harshly. Maybe I'll read the book again and try to picture Emma Watson as Meg. 🙂
(9,491 posts)Lovely cinematography, nice acting. Nothing really grabbed me.
Thought Thimotee Chalame was miscast. Did not like Laura Derns portrayal of the mother.
Also, at least a half hour toooooo long.
(4,937 posts)I thought they were miscast too.
Laffy Kat
(16,551 posts)I've decided not to see this one. I'm afraid I'll be disappointed.
I've been recommending "Knives Out" to everyone. It is a clever, unpredictable and entertaining movie.
(4,937 posts)and it's hard to match that kind of talent.
We enjoyed Knives Out too.
(29,935 posts)She was over 30 playing a teenager. Its pretty bad.
Not crazy about Wynona Riders version either.
(35,454 posts)and those made me disinclined to see it. They didn't have money for lots of clothes, Meg was distressed when she went to a party and scorched their one good party frock. Also, it seems to have a 20th-century sensibility, Jo sitting there in bowler (and Vest?) talking %s. I don't know.
(28,934 posts)I asked my friend if she'd ever walked out on a preview! It sounded like speeches at the Women's March, and Marmee seemed horrendously miscast. And Glenn Close just seemed to be playing herself, not Aunt March (I gleaned this from the previews, haven't seen it yet).
(30,010 posts)That might be because the fight for Women's Rights in this country had started more than a decade before the time setting of Little Women. The feminist sensibility was not necessarily some false 21st century overlay.
(28,934 posts)It sounded too modern, and I'm pretty sure none of it was written by Louisa May Alcott. I wouldn't have known it was supposed to be "Little Women" at all if it weren't for the names.
(14,905 posts)I just saw Ford vs Ferrari and felt the same way. I'm a big gear head and had high expectations for the movie...... meh... It was good but did not make my mythical bar....
I hate when that happens... Oh well.. I guess I'll go see Little Women. Never read the book and I like Saoirse Ronan and Meryl Streep's acting...
(23,105 posts)I can't stand Meryl streep... at all.
La Coliniere
(1,211 posts)...but saw the movie with my wife a few nights ago. I enjoyed both the 1940s and 90s versions of the famous novel, but had a hard time staying awake for Gerwig's retelling of the story. I believe it was a mistake not to tell the story in chronological order, the constant juxstaposition of past and present was ultimately confusing, creating unnecessary roadblocks in the flow of the narrative. Casting was also a problem for me; none of the sisters looked like they were kin and the youngest sister, Amy (Florence Pugh) came across as the eldest of the bunch. This was disappointing since I really enjoyed Greta Gerwig's great first attempt as writer/director, Lady Bird.
(2,252 posts)I hear it's been updated.
(24,549 posts)Looking forward to it.
(24,549 posts)The constant jumping back and forth in time got to be a bit annoying, but overall, I thought it was very well done.
(1,384 posts)I liked and didn't like the movie. Won't go into all that but one thing really
confused me. The going back and forth in time. Beth was dying of Scarlet Fever.
Then, Jo, I think, has a dream and we see Beth alive, getting married, etc.
Then, Jo wakes up and there's a funeral. It's not clear who died.
Then, at some point Beth is back again. Not sure whether the section was from
the past or if I still didn't know if Beth was dead.
Very confusing. Did Beth die of Scarlet Fever?
(4,937 posts)I agree, the back-and-forth was confusing.