Interfaith Group
Related: About this forumI would like to join your group.
First, I am not only an atheist, but an anti-theist. However, I am also of the Daniel Dennett school of atheism, meaning that I believe that to be a good atheist one has to not only understand theism, one has to also understand its cultural and historic context. That is why I became a host in the DU Religion group, to help the discussion.
Sadly, that all went for naught. All of my theist friends and any atheist friends who, like me, were not unfriendly to the the theists, were driven off as were all of the hosts. The atheist cabal there wanted no regulation for their ill behavior so they voted off all the hosts. Bad idea, however they prevailed.
Yet I am very curious about religion, but am not uneducated about it.
I enjoy respectful discussion even when I disagree with the expressed opinion. I would reference those on this forum who remember my postings in the Religion group and my rather militant defense of the host system which at least kept a balance of sorts.
I can no longer stomach the Religion group, which I think has become a carbon copy of the atheist group. My conclusion is that how in the Sam Hell is anybody going to solve any problems with these issues that way?
I would be honored to be invited into your fold. I will of course abide by your rules. However, I am a a Dennett anti-theist. That means that I am willing to learn, however I will argue from a non-theist point of view. Politely!
Thank you for your consideration.
My best to you.

(29,414 posts)All you have to do is post.
The primary stipulation is that you don't "challenge" believers as if we are supposed to "prove" our beliefs. Now, I have nothing wrong with the questioning of why we believe (or why we don't), if we can put that into words at all. That's the kind of thing (everything else in a similar vein) that starts a discussion and keeps it lively.
I'm sure you've had a good look around by now and can see how we take care of the place. And I welcome all discussion so long as it takes place within our SOP. It's a broadly-defined one, so I think there's plenty of leeway to discuss our beliefs and non-belief.
As I'm not familiar with Daniel Dennett, I'll have to look that up. Honestly, I don't study religion or belief. I read things here and there and make decisions on how it fits my current beliefs. I'm a cherry-picker. Just like with everything else in life
Well, I hope that covers everything. I welcome you to our safe haven, and I hope the rest around here do too.
(82,333 posts)It would be refreshing to do it here without the assholery that goes on in the Religion Group.
Not that I'm going to stop posting there.
I'm glad to see yo here , longship.
(40,416 posts)As you know, I have always been an ally in spite of our theological differences. Maybe that is why the nuts in Religion so militantly opposed my host appointment there. I wanted respectful discussion of religion and they did not. They wanted a religion group which only bashed religion, something less optimal in this world.
As to Dennett, I would be happy to discuss him here however it is going to take some time for me to assemble something worthy.
I confess that Justin suggested that I post here some time ago. Too bad he is now on a rather long time-out. I like him a lot, but... Well, you know.
I miss my friend cbayer. We did not always agree but when we disagreed we did so politely. I wonder about her sometimes but she hasn't posted since last August. Of course, she was relentlessly hounded in the Religion group. I guess she just said to herself, "Fuck this shit!" and made a quick exit.
Thanks for the response.
I have bookmarked the group and will participate when I feel comfortable.
As always, my best to you.
(47,753 posts)We're like my church...everyone is welcome, including atheists.