At what point does it become incitement to violence?
Not long ago this NRA video was all over DU.
A bit over the top for most people but it just didn't go quite far enough. Now the NRA (on NRATV) is featuring five minute diatribes in a segment called "Commentators" sponsored by Ruger (a major gun manufacturer). This is the latest:
There are others but I can't stomach the anger and hysteria in the presentation.
I ask again, at what point does it go past fear mongering to sell guns and turn into hate speech inciting violence?
Perhaps the gun lobby, exemplified by the NRA, is becoming desperate. It would seem so.

(6,650 posts)Wayne LaPierre, the NRA has morphed into a full-blown domestic terrorist organization with ties to the American Nazi Party and the KKK.
Their Russian connections speak volumes about their anti-American views and goals.
(21,646 posts)The burning of the American flag is a freedom but you won't tolerate it or protests ?
Sounds like someone is threatening our freedoms and it's you Dominic
(9,538 posts)jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)FL: Now the NRA (on NRATV) is featuring five minute diatribes in a segment called "Commentators" sponsored by Ruger (a major gun manufacturer).
.. I can't stomach the anger and hysteria in the presentation.
Pseudo anger on the bearded navy seal's part, as well as right wing misconceptions (aka lies). At ~1:30 of his vid, he said, paraphrased .. crybabies who cannot accept that the american people elected donald trump president. .. what are you resisting? the democratic process?
Duh, Mr Seal, the american people did NOT elect donald trump, the antiquated electoral college system elected him. Had Trump lost to the electoral college mr Seal would be whistling a different propaganda song about how Hillary stole the election.
Trump only received 45.4% of the popular vote, his opponents rec'd 54.5%, a nine point difference - the mandate is AGAINST trumpism. And more importantly, the American people chose Hillary Clinton, not Trump, to be president, by nearly 3 million more votes. Clinton, Johnson & Wells, Stein, & McMormon could've formed an anti-trump coalition in their disfavor of him, but none would've joined a coalition with trump.
Consider, had Hillary rec'd 260 electoral votes, Trump 220, and the rest of the pack the rest, the election would've been handed to the house of representatives since nobody got the minimum 270 electoral votes. And the republican bloated house would've chosen Trump, with 220 EVs, as president, that's how antiquated & obsolete the electoral college is. It could happen.
When it was devised circa 1787, the electoral college was a final check on the election; so if the electorate chose a sadistical slave owner from south carolina as president, the electors could overrule the vote & put in a george washington or john adams.
Shortly about when it was devised, george washington won the election as first president, with only about 3% of the american people voting (out of a grand total of 6% of americans even ELIGIBLE to vote). Washington won ~98% of the 3% voting. The point is, voting then was restricted to land owning gentry or people who held over $500 which was substantial back then.
Mr Seal in the vid also uses 'honor killings' as a method to support Trumps partial travel ban, concurrently bashing shumer & Warren for opposing it, saying they are somehow avoiding the honor killings issue emanating from the 6 countries. Yet Mr Seal doesn't mention Afghanistan, India or Pakistan, which are not on trump's list of Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
India and Pakistan both have recorded rates of honour killings of around 1000 per year, although as ever figures remain unreliable... in Afghanistan, honour crimes remain very high along with many other forms of violence against women, and are increasing as attitudes fail to keep pace with economic and social changes
The Middle East, including the Arab countries of North Africa, Iran and non-Arab minorities within Arabic countries have high recorded level of HBV, and it is these regions that the formal law codes are most likely to allocate reduced sentences for crimes motivated by honour.