The Trump-NRA war on the media escalates in Montana. Where will it end?
Last night, on the eve of a special election, Montana congressional candidate Greg Gianforte was approached by Ben Jacobs, a reporter from The Guardian. Jacobs asked Gianforte about his response to the recent Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score on the Republican healthcare replacement bill. Gianforte declined to respond. And then, within seconds, the exchange became violent. According to multiple witnesses and an audio recording of the altercation, Gianforte allegedly grabbed the reporter by the throat and slammed him to the ground, yelling, Im sick and tired of you guys, get the hell out of here! Jacobs was taken to a hospital.
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While the clash was shocking, it was not a one-off political event. It was not an isolated, impulsive act. It illustrates something far more insidious: the growing acceptability of violence as a response to dissenters and members of the media specifically within the Republican Party. And the violence can be traced to President Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association (NRA).
Since the beginning of his campaign, Trump has done two things reliably: incite violence and rail against the dishonest media. Often, he does both and as his self-proclaimed strongest ally, the NRA supports and funds his threatening behavior. At a campaign stop in Miami, then-candidate Trump made an indirect threat towards MSNBC correspondent Katy Tur, directing the rabid crowd at her and singling her out as the enemy. He called for violence against protestors at his rallies. He called the media the enemy of the people. His first campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, physically manhandled a female journalist. He insinuated Second Amendment people could assassinate Hillary Clinton a suggestion the NRA did not denounce.
Like Trump, NRA CEO and Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has demonized and used violent rhetoric towards anti-Trump activists and the media. In his two major speeches since Trumps inauguration, LaPierre has repeatedly characterized the current political climate as a war between Trumps dissenters and his heavily armed supporters. In his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), LaPierre said, We stand ready and resolved to defend our freedom and secure our safety against any enemy. Months later, at the NRAs annual convention, he identified this enemy: academic, political, and media elites our scholars, representatives, and journalists. (click on the CSGV Blog link to access this entry)
For the right-wing NRA supporters and apologists who are quick to point out after any Democratic/Liberal criticism of the NRA, "but the NRA teaches gun safety, and is a positive influence on young people," please read the above facts again. The NRA is a fascist, right-wing, mouthpiece for all that is wrong in this country, while it aids and abets the slaughter of 30,000 Americans annually.
Like their criminal hero Trump, the NRA is a corrupt, and dangerous, organization which gives rise to hate groups and racism especially in those red states that support Trump. Like the political puppets Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, traitors like Wayne LaPierre, Ted Nugent, and the rest of the NRA cabal have pledged total and unquestionable loyalty to the orange criminal currently occupying the Oval Office.
Any politician who supports or is endorsed by the NRA, whether they are Democrat or Republican, should be voted out of office. I am a Yellow Dog Democrat, but I draw the line when it comes to a politician being in bed with a criminal organization such as the NRA.

(6,797 posts)They kept calling with a recorded message at election time telling us to vote for Trump. Finally a person called the other day I told him to never call my number again, we are registered democrats and whoever would vote for that asshole is crazier than hell.
(6,650 posts)was in favor of gun control, and was mostly good for sportsmen and hunters. They went over to the right-wing dark side right around the time that "cold, dead, hands" Charlton Heston became their Grand Dragon.
Today they are nothing more than a criminal arm of the neoconservative Republican anti-American movement.