My first week on Medicare. What's different?
Sept 1 marked the start of my Medicare coverage. I have a Kaiser Permanente Advantage plan, so in addition to the $135 a month I have deducted from my SS for basic Medicare, I pay an additional $20 a month for hearing, vision and dental coverage.
Thats $155 a month, total.
Previously, I was on a KP plan thru Covered CA. I had a subsidy from Obamacare, so my monthly premium was under $4. But the devil is in the details. Under my old plan, I not only had co-pays, but I would get hit with charges later. For instance, I paid $60 to see my doctor at the time of the visit, and a month later I would get a bill for an additional $130 for the same visit. My deductible was $6500 a year.
I had been holding out to have a few things done until Medicare kicked in. Boy, I was not disappointed. Heres what I paid today v what my old plan would have cost:
Specialist visit with ortho for my knee injury: $0 v at least $250 (got an exam, a cortisone shot and a new knee brace at no charge. Assuming that would have cost $250 on the old plan).
Labs: $0 v $10-200
Flu shot: $0 v $0
Topical ointment prescription: $0 v $90
Yes, I sure wish there was a way to have Medicare for All.

(7,579 posts)Check your benefits. Mine include free membership in a local gym.
True Blue American
(18,429 posts)Include Silver Sneakers. That is free gym membership. It is great.
I visited a Clinic the other day, cost me $5. Doctor Office call, $5. Specialist $45. Deductable for Hospital, $4000, but have heard you can negotiate that.
Yes, I would like Medicare for all. We can get that if we vote democratic.
(59,161 posts)there's also the payroll deductions from every paycheck.
Glad you made out.
(30,102 posts)Wow..My spouse & I are paying WAY more than - I'll check out Kaiser Permanente.
(24,663 posts)and procedures under my old plan that were not covered until the deductible was satisfied 100%. For instance, my wife ended up in the Hoag ER in February with a bill over $5000 for a two-hour stay. Our Covered CA plan paid 0%. Treated the whole bill as deductible. Fortunately, we were able to apply for financial assistance thru Hoags Foundation- they covered it 100%. The ambulance bill for that ER trip was $900. Medicare is $250.
(30,102 posts)I checked KP and, unfortunately, it's not available in my state. (Illinois)
(24,663 posts)Cost for exam = $0
And, my Medicare vision plan gives me a $325 benefit to the purchase of glasses every two years. I was able to get one pair of distance and one pair of reading glasses for $325.75.
I pay $20 a month for this coverage which also includes dental and hearing.
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(27,470 posts)think the military is? Or the law enforcement not to mention the fire department they are all services needed to keep a country of our tech level functioning just like good healthcare is needed.