If we are talking about the same statement mine says 0 also. However, the one I am looking at says
Medicare C & D show up that way. It tells me to go to Medicare.gov and go online or contact them.
I have an account, but I rarely use it, since I am stuck with Medicare Advantage. If you have an online
account login, click your username. You should get a menu. Click my premiums which should show
you which premiums you pay and how.
Current monthly premium: My payment method
$185.00 Your premiums are deducted from your Social Security benefit.
Premiums detail If you have a Medicare health or drug plan, contact your plan for your plan premium and
payment information.
My payments
Payments withheld from your Social Security check or paid by a third party, like the state or the Railroad Retirement Board, aren't listed here. If your payments are withheld from your Social Security check, visit your online Social Security account for more details.
My recent payments and payment history
My bills
You currently don't get a "Medicare Premium Bill" (CMS-500).
If you click Premium Details, it should give you a screen that something like this:
Current monthly premium $185.00 for January 2025
Premium breakdown
Part B amount $185.00
Part B late enrollment penalty $0.00
Part B IRMAA amount $0.00
MA Plan payment Part B premium $0.00
Part A amount $0.00
Part A late enrollment penalty $0.00
Part D IRMAA amount $0.00
Total $185.00
To the right you will see all the scheduled payments with an open details button that you
can click that will show what is going to be paid each month. It should look like the one above.
I truly hope this helps you. Have a great day.