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Related: About this forumAfter Being Turned Off By the Bernie vs Hillary Wars, I've Returned
I also posted here years ago but didn't like the absence of opposition.
However, after posting on many different websites/blogs/forums I REALize that this is the best as far as moderation is concerned. Seems like a tight ship that scares trolls away.
Lets kick GOP ass!!

(4,532 posts)Member since November 2015. That's not years ago. That's this past fall. In fact I joined the same month.
(525 posts)Please remember that any posts that can be construed as negatively reflecting on Clinton are liable to be deleted.
(16 posts)Please find people willing to get elected to county office!
Unfair Enforcement is always local.
My Facebook rants brought on the zoning and codes enforcement people.
Also my comparisons between Putin and Trump brought the hackers from Guccifer2 who turned out to be Russian Military Intelligence!!
{{{REally? you care that Grandma has her say?}}}
Too bad, you wimpy evil dictators!
I am not intimidated because I am A Post Francis new Catholic at 67y Feminist. and I love the #Bernieres (like Luminaires ) as the best part about my being old.
I hold you all in my prayers and in my heart, each and every person, worldwide.
Run for county offices:
The job is so very boring it is difficult to do.
((((READ THE CONSTITUTION! No one you are running against has.
Read the Declaration of Independence: no one has.
IF they Read it, they wouldn't agree.))))
The mechanisms of democracy are LOCAL: Therefore Repugnant Traitors attacked these first:
the Government POST OFFICE from which the Census comes.
First action was they Privatized it, because the Constitution requires the census be based on the Post Offices.
((((READ the Constitution through and through it is a major election tool ))))
(((((Knowing or even saying Constitution will get you support even from the Grandmother who has been sending you money secretly from the Angry Old MEn.)))))
Read the Declaration of Independence too they come in free booklets from the CATO institute. a Right wing think tank: use what you have to get what you need.
Grandma is so so very frightened. They only know what they see on Fox news a station of Pedophiles and Sexual harassers.
Please give the Bernie Joy to your supporters, that is, Grandma.
GO home and tell your grandparents how excited you were: they have been told the lies about socialism as if it were communism of the 1930s.
Please teach what you have learned to Gramma and Grandpas.
as SusanSarandon says: "Call your Mom" and share the highs too. NOt just the desperate lows.
Grandmas, most of the GReats, that is, are not online. They read the newspaper as if it were God himself talking: uncritically. They were raised during the Doctrine of Fairness era and never realized it was gone. 90 yo fatherinlaw: "why is all the Obama news bad things? --this after 10 yrs of Obama news.
If an ad appears in the local paper they read every word of it down to the Classified. Except the sports section for some.
Go home young men and women and share your pleasure in an extraordinary accomplishment.
Also become the a*** who tramples on my property without permission, including searching without a warrant while I wasn't home:
If I see YOUTHS there I promise no problem.
Local incompetence and bad faith is ridiculous.
Good post grand ma me too old grand ma. Loving on the new and promising youth. I hope they are not disillusioned too early
(28 posts)I am not sure. A forum where people just agree with each other.? is that real? not saying trolls are good. . just saying. The repubs have done such a lousy job of trashing Hillary that no longer can the lies be discerned from the truth.