History of Feminism
Related: About this forumSingle women are happy, single men are not
I appreciate the way she breaks down the arguments in this interview. This channel is one of many that talk not only about the fact that women are increasingly opting out of heterosexual relationships, but also why.
These men think it's all about money. It's clearly not, but as usual, most men aren't listening to women.

(122,596 posts)scott was how we are failing young men. Is society supposed to bow down and assure them that they deserve to have wonen, even if there is nothing about them that is remotely appealing? Are we supposed to buttress and reinforce patriarchy, because that was the undertone I was picking up.
And, quite frankly, a society that is fighting reproductive autonomy is failing young women big time.
(10,442 posts)Their backward warped views is their own fault. They fallen into these pits of right wing talking points about how the evil women are only interested in quote on quote "chads" and all that shit.
Women don't need men. Women who do want relationships have a standard that they don't want fucking troglodytes who believe women are nothing more than broodmares and shit.
(39,955 posts)This generation's decided their maxim is "an ounce of prevention..."
(52,672 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 7, 2024, 12:08 AM - Edit history (1)
and it never changes...that is what annoys me the most. Everyone knows that married men live longer than married women. Gee, what a surprise. But why?
The real issue for me it the BS stereotypes from the well paid Madison Ave marketing companies over the last 100 years. They have generated billions in advertising revenue since advertising began in the US. The stereotypes are very harmful to women and beneficial to the men...the men are the ones raking in the advertising dollars hand over fist. They control all the BS now via social media.
When I see an advertisement on TV right now I see that men are being wonderful and caring parents and husbands. Oh goodie!
I guess changing a dirty diaper once a day, cooking twice a week, cleaning whenever they feel like it, helping with the kids occasionally, etc is supposed to be an enormous benefit to the family as a whole, even when both parents work full time. Fuck that shit!!!!! Women STILL do the majority of everything I listed and by huge amounts. But, you have to spoon feed men into taking any real, meaningful responsibility for anything in 2024. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Damn, men do not even take care of their own physical health and women have to nag them to call a doctor for 6 months until they may actually do it for themselves. Women have been the responsible gender since humans stood upright and they have been screwed by males who have testosterone poisoning and big muscles in every way, shape and form. It will NEVER change. NEVER!
This video is the same old same old...men are attracted to women that they are think are visually attractive, women are attracted to men who they find as financially well off.
(54,519 posts)Then he blames the problem of lonely men on the fact that though women could find a date, they just "can't find a man they find economically or emotionally viable" and that is the reason 20 percent of men on dating sites get 60 percent of the interest.
But likewise, the whole point of the subject is that men aren't finding women they find viable in attractiveness, and therefore they are single and lonely. I seriously doubt his "men who can't find a date" are making a habit of going after unattractive women. I also seriously doubt that the statistics on dating sites are much different for women: 20 percent getting the majority of interest from men. Interestingly, though, I have never seen that side of the statistic discussed.
And one solution he describes is that we have to invest in giving financial advantages back to men so women will want to marry them. Though he is squirreling around it, that necessarily means investing common resources into giving men financial advantage compared to women. Sorry, but no.
(182 posts)I find it telling that the problem: "Women can't find men that are emotionally viable" is stated, and absolutely no planning, solution, improvement, or effort is geared towards raising or schooling those men to be an emotional win for the women.
I finally found a solution to getting odd job and gardening help at my house. My ad specified that the applicant had to be a "woke feminist." I got men who said that since they weren't women, they didn't qualify. I reiterated that being a feminist didn't require one to be female. In order to be hired, the applicant had to state, in writing or by voice, "I am a woke feminist." It was delightful to have the gig workers self-select, and I successfully got a few great workers. Not one of the men was able to pronounce the required statement, out loud. You never know what other man might be within earshot.
(54,519 posts)I'm going to use that criteria from now on. I bet it makes life MUCH easier.
(182 posts)JudyM
(29,540 posts)
(182 posts)I've thought about adding a line to any future ad: "Must be able to converse about Global Warming, Bodily Autonomy, Diversity - Equity - Inclusion, and Critical Race Theory." I should be able to see heads exploding from my computer corner. Ooh, ooh, and maybe "What ideas do you have for helping people displaced by Global Warming or the results of our economic and political policies and implementations?"
One of the people who responded to my ad didn't really have the time or volition to do the work, she just wanted to meet and visit with the one who wrote the ad. It can be a jungle out there, and she was just so happy to find someone with their head screwed on tight.
(29,540 posts)
(54,461 posts)Deuxcents
(21,277 posts)Abuse comes in all shapes and sizes and I, too, am happier by myself. I have family and friends and have tackled issues and home ownerships bliss..breakdowns, leaks..and have accomplished more than I ever imagined. I dont hate men nor do I blame my being female on others problems with relationships. It takes work and commitment and some want it more than others but not facing up to personal responsibility is a blame game and a miserable way to live life.
(54,519 posts)on the issue than we currently realize.
We're wrecking the planet. In 1960, the population of the world was 3 billion. Today it is 8 billion. About 166% increase if my math is right. We use too many resources and are warming the earth to uninhabitable levels. Are we going to survive if we hit 20 billion 60 years from now? I seriously doubt it.
Perhaps an urge AGAINST procreation is a new species-wide phenomenon in our hive mind geared toward saving the species.
(189 posts)I 100% agree with you! Our ever-growing birthrate, coupled with an unsustainable life expectancy, and insatiable pillaging of resources makes for a very dangerous long range math equation.
Perhaps the fact these troglodyte men are not evolving as fast as modern women is an evolutionary tool to make procreation less inevitable or needed.
Another result of the oligarchs, sucking so much wealth from the middle and lower classes is now having a baby has evolved into a financial luxury, that many dont want to take on. Instead of being propagandized from birth, that you needed to have a baby as a female, many women are discovering, they can have perfectly happy fulfilled lives without falling into a trap that they didnt see.
I say this as a female who just celebrated 30 years with her committed husband, who is a bigger feminist than I am. If a man cant find a wife, or even a date, its time they start looking inward on what could make them not attractive to the opposite sex or do they have unrealistic porn star expectations?
Heterosexual women, like most people, want a partner, but are perfectly content in modern times to remain single rather than be with someone who hasnt evolved or does not share the same values. They go to college to get an actual degree to advance themselves and be self-sufficient rather than the past ritual of obtaining a Mrs. Degree. Not desperately needing a man to take care of us and the modern ability to seek a no fault divorce also helps become selective.
Maybe the natural order created natural repellants in Steve Bannon, Andrew Tate, Rush Limbaugh, Jordan Peterson and the rest of the incel army leaders as a new form of birth control?
(182 posts)vercetti2021
(10,442 posts)They failed themselves. When you follow the path of Andrew Tate and other dude bros. You're fucking yourself to a life of misery. Women don't want racist, bigoted, abusive assholes who only think women serve them at all times. Women are not sex toys or maids. I'm tired of people saying we are failing these troglodytes. They are failing themselves.
(54,519 posts)that women are being selfish for not marrying conservative men.
The freaking Washington Post editorial page.
(2,499 posts)Scrivener7
(54,519 posts)and acting out because of it. We have lots more single women who are happier than any other gender/marital status combination.
And the discussion is ONLY about how this is a terrible thing that needs to be undone.
Yeah, I think the question should be: How can men make changes in their lives so they are more attractive to others? It shouldnt be, how can society make life easier for men. As a man myself, Im not sure how it could be any easier. Guys- figure it the fuck out. Also, I have been single 16 years, and I havent turned into an incel asshole. I also happen to be gay- maybe that has something to do with it, but I doubt it.