History of Feminism
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A FB discussion yesterday inspired this proposed definition of "MISANDRY!" That is, specifically the exclamation "MISANDRY!" rather than the word itself. Here goes:
In the wake of yesterday's amazing and beautiful protest, I shared Fugelsang's graphic showing Trump's "I heart sexual assault" quote, along with the message that anyone who voted for Trump is a fucking idiot. One guy (a FB friend of a real-world friend) decried the "vulgar posters" that might be seen by "our daughters," along with the hypocritical "misandrist agenda" pushed by the assembled protesters. One dear friend of mine called him out for mansplaining, and he responded by calling her a misandrist.
I then discovered that he'd blocked me, so I couldn't tell him in which of his orifices I think he can find his head.
Of course, I google-stalked him; turns out he's a very respected member of a certain specialized branch of the medical community. I wonder if his female patients are aware of his personal views re: women as chattel.
So here's the definition:
MISANDRY! The desperate, panicked cry of a frightened man who's terrified that his dick will fall off after encountering a woman willing to speak on her own behalf.
(Thanks go to my wife for coining the "afraid his dick will fall off" phrase.)

(54,505 posts)given equal rights he will see:
a) that he cannot hold his own against them in the home
b) he cannot successfully compete with them in the workplace, and
c) he will not be able to maintain his entitled and superior self-image in the face of those revelations.
I truly do believe that the men who fear women's equality are fundamentally, spiritually, intellectually weaker than those men who support women's equality.
I like the shorter one for being more immediately soundbyte-able, but yours covers more ground.
(113,131 posts)who were indeed guilty of the deep seated loathing of the male sex that "misandry" implies. However, they're vastly outnumbered by rabbity men who use it against any woman with an opinion she's not too beaten down to express.