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Related: About this forumLibertarian Candidate says Prostitution is not Victimless
i was watching a bit of the town hall on CNN with libertarian pres/vp candidates Johnson and Weld.
towards the end there was a question about prositution. Johnson wasn't very clear but kept on the whole state thing and how personally he would never use such a "service". and Weld said it's not victimless and he has seen it for himself as a prosecutor. their point was that decriminalization of crimes is based on the crime being victimless which was not the case with prostitution.
These are guys who have actually held positions dealing with this issue and been in public office where they need to deal with concerns of the people.
usually the "pure" libertarian types are some random assholes who have never held such positions. just people who only care about their money or getting what they want without any concern for others.

(7,309 posts)An adult person can do with their body as they wish. Prostitution should be legalized and regulated.
(91,503 posts)the women of those countries do not go into prostitution. they bring in immigrants who are then exploited .
(54,505 posts)aikoaiko
(34,210 posts)There will always be the desperate who can't or won't abide by regulation, but there will be many who will. For them, harm is reduced.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)the 'brokers'
(58 posts)And yes, those of us who have seen the problems up close tend not to think of it as victimless.
Of course, the prostituted women are the victims, so yes it is the victimizers - johns, pimps, dealers - whose activities should be criminalized.
I once read a description of prostitution as the easiest way to get money out of stupid men's pockets and into the hands of drug traffickers and organized crime in general.
Pretty accurate, and true whether the activities are legal or not, given the large role that drug addiction plays in the lives of the women and that human trafficking plays in prostitution generally.