History of Feminism
Related: About this forumHillary Rodham Clinton - Democratic Nominee for President! - Celebration
This is a historic and momentous occasion!
Hillary has fought, been knocked down, and gotten back up her entire life fighting for progressive principles.
She will make one of the best Presidents this country has ever seen. I am so excited and proud. I am happy for all of us. I am proud of Hillary!

(55,001 posts)It's a great night, Boston Bean!
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Response to Android3.14 (Reply #2)
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Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)

(410 posts)You evidently are a political newbie.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Thor_MN
(11,843 posts)Welcome to DU.
(4,518 posts)She won't give up, she will work work work, build coalitions, emphasize teamwork
Not like so many other big mouth empty suits...
And she will veto every bill by Republicans to take away reproductive rights, destroy the climate, take down the social safety net, and on and on....
(4,234 posts)Jack Bone
(2,035 posts)
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Ligyron
(7,930 posts)Time to end the squabbling and get to work. Kinda excited about electing the first woman President and there's work to be done.
(109,763 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)and welcome to the task ahead!
Surya Gayatri
(15,445 posts)Android3.14
(5,402 posts)While I am displeased with Clinton, I do fully intend to vote for her. As a feminist, I recognize it will be a historical event for her to become President.
(24,324 posts)are you voting for her because you are a feminist?
I ask because my sister is a 67 year old feminist and will not vote for her.
(5,402 posts)The historic significance of her primary success is irrefutable.
One of the reasons I support Sanders is because he is a stronger feminist than Clinton. I hope Bernie can take his case to the convention, and come out as the party leader. It looks like Clinton is, by hook, crook and a lack of indictments, the only feminist-leaning candidate in the race.
I heard one Bernie supporter this morning on NPR talk about voting for Trump, referring to "popping the zit" on the corrupt political process in the USA. Teen acne may be a poor metaphor for electing the reality TV version of Adolf Hitler, but I cannot accept accelerating the demise of our stay as a species on this planet. I will not pop that zit, as things stand.
If, however, she pivots more to the right, she can say goodbye to this feminist.
(24,324 posts)I understand your decision..
Just for whatever reason... I have no idea. but...
My sister is a 'low' multi-millionaire, for whatever that means.
She won't even tell ME how much she has.. :>
She is about as left as they come, feminist, supported Sanders, etc,. etc..as much as I am, yet she will never vote for Clinton. Interesting...On the other hand, as a retired financial advisor, (KA-CHING!) she once said something to me about being glad if the economy crashes just to show all those people who invested badly without thinking about what they were doing, what a mistake they made. I couldn't believe it ! I still don't think she really meant it.
Anyway...... it is all so complex.....
(244 posts)no way..no how.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)BlueMTexpat
(15,539 posts)
brer cat
(26,838 posts)She will be a great President! Thanks, boston bean!
(1,539 posts)to be the nominee yet. She has 2184 and needs needs another 199 which likely will happen on 7/25.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Coolest Ranger
(2,034 posts)please don't bring your negativity on here
George II
(67,782 posts)marginlized
(357 posts)I believe Hillary Clinton is one of the most, if not THE most qualified presidential candidate this country as ever seen.
(4,234 posts)I voted for Bernie here in Maryland but Hill won fair and square! Hillary2016!!!!!
(189,215 posts)Awesome
boston bean
(36,720 posts)Phentex
(16,600 posts)in the picture EarlG posted on the home page, she looks amazing. She looks confident, strong and beautiful. She's got this.
boston bean
(36,720 posts)UtahLib
(3,180 posts)boston bean
(36,720 posts)