How White Male Privilege Allowed Josh Duggar's Crimes to Be "Forgiven"
This post on his familys Facebook page came on the heels of an InTouch article revealing that Josh Duggar had confessed to his father, Jim Bob, that younger Duggar had molested several girls, reportedly including his sisters, when he was 15 years-old.
In my own Facebook post, I asked the question, Isnt molestation a form of sexual assault, and isnt sexual assault a crime? I wondered how and why Josh Duggars actions could be downgraded from crimes to wrongdoing and very bad mistakes. It seemed to me that Duggars perverse actions were being minimized. Several of my friends commented that Joshs parents had protected him from criminal punishment.
In the state of Arkansas, where the Duggars lived in 2006, first, second, and third degree sexual assault are felonies. Instead of facing the legal system for his deplorable offenses, Duggar received Gods kindness, goodness, and forgiveness, in his parents words, or Gods grace, mercy, and redemption, in his own words.
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