History of Feminism
Related: About this forumLet's read some David Futrelle, shall we?
Lest we forget what those nut job MRA's are REALLY about.
Sitting near the top of the front page of the Mens Rights Reddit at the moment, with more than 300 upvotes: A post, based on a three and a half year old comment on a Fat Acceptance blog, with the title Woman gains 65 pounds after getting married, forces husband to get Viagra after he is no longer attracted to her.
Brace yourself for the HORROR of a wife who put on weight in blatant disregard of the rights of her husbands boner.
Ill get to that thing in the headline in a second. But first: A Voice for Mens Director of Lying Liars Janet Bloomfield has responded to my last post about her embattled tit pics see here; the whole thing is too bizarre to explain briefly by informing her readers that I was
failing to distinguish between pics sent to individual men privately as a means of manipulation and pics plastered over social media to make a broader point about feminist censorship and harassment.
But thats not really what I want to talk about. What I want to talk about is this creepy as hell comment one of her fans left on her blog. (Ive crossed out the name of the specific feminist being addressed.)


(5,018 posts)they hate women.
For some of the same reasons they hate minorities, i.e. insecurity and anger at having to compete fairly, if they ever have to do that.
(42,607 posts)So stuck in toxic masculinity--one that isn't even a true maculinity, just a mask, a farce, that they constantly spew hatred toward women, POC, different cultures, etc.
(18,627 posts)...the object being discussed (in this case, what it means to be a human being, the very idea of humanity) will always develop what can be considered heresy of sorts.
Some of the worst atrocities are committed by those claiming to be fighting for their freedom.
(3,747 posts)It is one of the things that I cannot stand, period. It's a culture of aggressiveness towards any other human being that does not give them what they feel entitled to, after having had it drilled into them time and time again. I've broken more than a few friendships because of it, and it's the reason my friends tend to be almost exclusively women. What terrifies me is how few men I have met that seem to understand this...
(42,607 posts)Positive action men's groups are addressing this in youth. Now While I hope someday all notions of gender are deconstructed--(less the obvious biological ones) And we live in a word where gender roles aren't such a driving force, that day is far away.
In the meantime we can improve our general wellness by beginning to address toxic maculinity and the harm its caused.
(9,148 posts)Internet gave rise to the little man syndrome.
(72,174 posts)that they hate their mothers, or at least treat them like dirt.
(5,018 posts)mom.
They distrust women, and they think most of them are lying when they say they have been raped.
(72,174 posts)not that i waste any pity on them.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)is this the equation he is espousing?
love = it is more fun to not kill, rather it is more fun to play cat and mouse games until the mouse dies of exhaustion/heart attack due to stress and fear and then go find another mouse to play with.
yeah, right ... dude.
you did not kill the woman. the woman died all by herself. you are in the clear.
you can sleep at night.